The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62691   Message #1013960
Posted By: Clinton Hammond
06-Sep-03 - 01:00 PM
Thread Name: Business: Open Mic Advice
Subject: Business: Open Mic Advice
One of my regular gigs tabled the possibility of me hosting an open mic at my gig last night... And while I'm thinking, I thought I'd ask Catters for some input...

Best night for an open Mic? (I'd kill for a steady Tuesday gig)
How much does a 'host' charge? (Less than a 'gig', or same?")

I have to admit, I'm not really keen on driving all the way to Chatham once a week for a lot less than I'm making now... I think the publican will do me the honour of being honest with me though, and will be willing to 'haggle' if my first offer is too high...

The problem with Tuesday is that one of Chatham's downtown bars already has a KILLER open mic going on... Now Kevin (the owner I was working for last night) seemed more than willing to 'take 'em on' as it were... but I donno... is it just me or does that seem like a recipe for failure right off the bat???

Some suggestions folks?   At the very least, give me something to read while I mill this around in my pate...
