The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62648   Message #1014286
Posted By: izzy
07-Sep-03 - 08:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Germans--No offense intended !
Subject: RE: BS: Germans--No offense intended !
"Like zey vunted inze forst plas" (i.e. during the Second World War.) I would like to know too what the use of the German language has to do with Nazi-ism, but it's a connection that is frequently made by the Tory gutter press (and seems to be used by some people as an excuse for not learning German!) Sorry to have upset you, Metchosin, it was more the joke about Arnold Schwarzenegger I was commenting on than your joke. It's one thing to talk about the Nazi era in a hostorical context, and yet another to blame it on people who were either children, or not even born when all that was going on.

OK? Cheers,
