The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62725   Message #1014394
Posted By: Gene
07-Sep-03 - 12:43 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: From Forty To Sixty-Five
Subject: Lyr Add: FROM FORTY TO SIXTY-FIVE (Masters Family)
Stumbled across this great cut from Library Of Congress LP

The Masters Family

As I [1] read the mornin' paper
I [4] look the want ads [1] thru
I [4] thought perhaps that [1] I could find
Some [2] honest work to [5] do
I [1] knew that I had never shirked
The [4] work assigned to [1] me
But [4] young wanted [1] for the jobs
Was [5] all that I could [1] see

Young men wanted
It's [4] all youth to-[1]-day
Young men wanted
The [2] old man cast a-[5]-way
I [1] pray the Lord to help me
These [4] weary years sur-[1]-vive
The [4] missing link that [1] lies between
[5] forty and sixty-[1]-five

I may get the old age pension, if I see sixty-five
But I've so many years to go, how can I stay alive
When you have reached the middle age, your useful days are thru
With young men taking all the jobs, there's nothing left to do


When this dreary life is ended, and I am laid to rest
My weary soul will take its flight to the mansions of the blest
Saint Peter then will welcome me the moment I arrive
And I'm afraid I'll find the gate locked 'til I'm sixty-five


Library Of Congress LBC-8
Songs of Labor And Livelihood