The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62691   Message #1014848
Posted By: ToulouseCruise
08-Sep-03 - 12:56 PM
Thread Name: Business: Open Mic Advice
Subject: RE: Business: Open Mic Advice
I actually have a bit of a different take on the Open Mic night competing with an existing one... If you are offering something different, i.e. style of music, atmosphere of the pub, talent out your ying-yang, and all that good stuff, then it can be a good thing to go head to head with another bar on some occasions. Here in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada, Monday night seems to be the Night of the Mic, for some reason... many of the talented performers will move back and forth between two or three venues, based on the time that they can get on stage, price of drinks, as well as the things I had mentioned before... at least, I hope they continue to move around to them, since my duo is taking over one in the near future, and it ISN't the KILLER one!!! Help!!!!
