The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62533   Message #1015228
Posted By: Malcolm Douglas
09-Sep-03 - 02:29 AM
Thread Name: Uilleann Pipes
Subject: RE: Ullean Pipes
Grattan Flood (1905) insisted on Uilleann, but, as the originator of the myth that that was the original term for the pipes (he stated baldly, without a shred of evidence, that they had been blown with bellows since the 16th century), that was his privilege. It was the correct spelling, but irrelevant in that it had nothing to do with bagpipes.

Flood is rather an embarrassment to serious scholars of Irish music nowadays; he promulgated so much misinformation that they have had to work quite hard to put right the damage he did. Sorefingers' increasingly incoherent contributions to this discussion are sad evidence that there is still a long way to go. Seóirse Bodley, in his introduction to a reprint of Flood's History of Irish Music in 1969, while recognising the man's obvious patriotism, spent many words suggesting to the reader, as tactfully as he could, that there was very little in the book that could be relied upon. Donal O'Sullivan (who wrote an authoritative study of Carolan) referred to Flood in private correspondence with Anne Gilchrist as "that blot on Irish scholarship".