The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12691   Message #101537
Posted By: The_one_and_only_Dai
02-Aug-99 - 10:53 AM
Thread Name: Gravestone Symbology-FYI
Subject: RE: Gravestone Symbology-FYI
...shoving the evil Mr. Hyde away from the PC...
Phew, I'm glad he's gone. I thought the Orbital Mind Control Lasers had me for a minute.

I just thought I'd contribute that particular really weird URL, just to show, er, well I don't know, really.

My wife and I went to discuss our will with our s*l@citor last week, and he wanted to know if we had any special requirements for 'disposal'... Of course, that really set me off. And now I've got a shortlist of about fifty places I'd like to be scattered, after we decided that 'hang me up on the spinning-room wall, and pickle my bones in alcohol' wasn't really viable...

One of my favourite possibilities is somewhere like West Kennet or Wayland's Smithy (both old Long Barrows). Trouble is, do you think some 5,000-year-old chaps would mind a 'newbie'? Or would they keep me awake all night with their complaining?

hm... I'll have to consider this one extremely carefully...