The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62533   Message #1016540
Posted By: Peter K (Fionn)
10-Sep-03 - 06:48 PM
Thread Name: Uilleann Pipes
Subject: RE: Ullean Pipes
See what you done, InOBU?

Certainly fascinating, all this history, anthropology, musicology, etc. I'm doing my best to absorb it, and congratulate Sorefingers for the way he's teased it out of you knowledgeable foiks.

Maybe someone could just pause to give me a word of advice, since I struggle along with no guidance within many miles. I've hit on playing low E leaving right little-finger down, and changer off the knee. This gives a note comparable in strength with D below and Fsharp above. The book (Armagh Pipers) says chanter down, both bottom holes uncovered, but this gives a noticeably weak note. My new way is a pain to get used to, so can someone tell me whether there's a downside (like it wouldn't work on any other chanter) before I get to the point of no return?