The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62826   Message #1016621
Posted By: Rapparee
10-Sep-03 - 09:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Fightin' words...
Subject: RE: BS: Fightin' words...
Sorry, but I can't think of any. Most of our fightin' was done as play, 'cept when my brothers and me would have at it. Later on, when we got to *know* how to fight, we dassn't for fear of killin' someone, and I mean exactly that.

Only fight I was ever in in High School ended up in the gym with a teacher watchin' to make sure we didn't really hurt each other. The other guy was on the wrasslin' squad and I was on the chess team. He figgered that it would be simple and easy, but I had a surprise: my brothers and me had been studying jiu-jitsu together, tossin' each other around the yard, for over a year.

So we got down in the approved wrasslin' position (greco-roman stuff, not WWF) and before you could spit he was flat on his back from a sweeping calf throw. So we did it again, and this time he was down even faster, from an arm throw I can do but not explain in words. One last time, and an really nice over-the-shoulder throw. He was gettin' mad, makin' mistakes, forcing me to hurry, and it's a good thing the teacher stopped it there and made us shake hands, 'cause I could have really hurt him if he hurried me too much.

Later on, in the Army, I taught hand-to-hand combat for a bit, and THERE we who taught it never even fooled around in the barracks for fear of crippling or killing someone. I still walk away from words, and won't fight unless me or mine are physically assaulted -- and then I might, quite literally, kill you deader'n a stump.