The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62826   Message #1016660
Posted By: mack/misophist
10-Sep-03 - 11:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Fightin' words...
Subject: RE: BS: Fightin' words...
Rapaire reminded me of something I saw long ago. In a crowded bar, a big drunk bosun's mate decided to pick a fight with some little guy. When the bos'un pounded him over the head, the little guy slid off his stool and grabbed the bos'un's arm. Just then his foot slipped in a puddle of beer and instead of throwing the drunk across the room he threw him into an iron pillar. Compound fracture, right arm. The little guy was in tears because it was an accident and he'd never hurt any one before. Lesson? Don't fight.