The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12708   Message #101694
Posted By: dick greenhaus
02-Aug-99 - 06:03 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Long John, Chineeman
Subject: RE: old song: 'Long John was a chi-neee man'
Joe- Racist or not, sexist or not, PC or not, they're all worth collecting. At least the DT thinks so.

I'm from an era in which S. Foster and R. Kipling were no-no's; when the Wee Cooper of Fife could beat his wife to general applause, but he couldn't have sex with her in mixed company. I sincerely hope that overt racism never returns in folksong, but I wouldn't bet on it. Three generations of avoiding non-PC contemnt will probably leave us with nothing at all, except possibly the works of Raffi.