The song is just a 1-6-2(4)-5 progression--which would be something like C-Am-Dm(F)- G7--the rhythm is boomboom-baba boomboom--baba (like the "Mashed Pototoes"--I am guessing that this is not going to really be a finely polished piece, so if the piano player just bangs out those chord, Elton John style, which would be a boomboom chord with the left hand and a Baba chord with the right hand (with the sustain pedal down), no one would ever know that you didn't have the sheet music--
Each chord is played for two measures:
With one boomboombaba for each chord, which would be two for each measure--minor adjustments might be necessary at the end of each phrase. I used to stroll tables in a restaurant and play requests after the dinner music was done--I played this one a lot(quess when it was and what kind of clientel the restaurant had) and never worked it out or practiced it--it was a lot better that way:-)