The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26141   Message #1017440
Posted By: Deckman
12-Sep-03 - 06:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Chemical antidepressants -- yea or nay?
Subject: RE: BS: Chemical antidepressants -- yea or nay?
This is a ballsey thread, and I'm VERY impressed with the courage displayed here. It ain't easy taking your clothes off in public. And, as Ellenpoly said, it can be good to share. In my own case, I've been very fortunate to escape the hell of depression personally. However, I do want to mention another aspect of this subject, insanity. My Mother passed away 18 months ago. For the last year and a half of her life, she was insane. She died insane. She, and Dad, lived in a nursing home four blocks from me. I was called over there almost daily to help with the necessaries. Depression, mental stability, alcoholism, mental illness, all had been life long problems for her. My point is this ... get help and get it now.

The world of drugs and research is an everchanging one. I've read some very good advice here: get a good Doctor, trust him, trust others, reach out to others, get therapy, get a support group, etc.

Fight to stay alive. CHEERS and best wishes to all, Bob(deckman)Nelson