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Thread #62907 Message #1018233
Posted By: Desert Dancer
13-Sep-03 - 03:18 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Mary's Ass (bawdy)
Subject: Lyr Add: Mary's Ass (bawdy)
I transcribed this for a friend, so may as well post it.
~ Becky in Tucson
MARY'S ASS As sung by Bill Boundy of Lithgow, New South Wales, Australia. Recorded in Meredith, John and Hugh Anderson, Folk Songs of Australia (Ure Smith, Sydney,1968)
You've asked for a story – I'll sing, I will tell, about a young lady I knew very well; her name it was Mary, a beautiful lass, and the song I will sing is about Mary's ass.
A present to Mary her uncle did make that whenever she went to some exercise take this donkey, or mule, he said "sure, take your choice, one that's gay and so frisky with beautiful voice."
Now early next morning young Mary was out, and all round the town was seen riding about. 'Twas the talk of the town, north, east, west and south, in fact, Mary's ass was in everyone's mouth. When tired of this, she would gallop back home, he ass would be covered with sweat and with foam; she'd cry out to the groom, "Grab a handful of grass, come down to the stable and wipe down my ass."
Now old Joe, who sells greeens, has a moke very old, it is bony and lean from starvation and cold. And when'er he meets Mary, which often occurs, how he wishes his ass was as handsome as hers. Now early one morning as Mary did pass, a lad with a straw slyly tickled her ass; the mule gave a bolt, down a hole it did go, and over its shoulder poor Mary did throw.
They carried her home – she recovered next day; but her ass it was left in the hole where it lay. Its poor neck was broken - Och! Bless me soul! And the people all round call it Mary's Ass Hole. And Mary regretted the loss of her ass, and oft of an evening by there she would pass, and lately I've noteiced as by there I stroll there's some very bad smells come from Mary's Ass Hole.
T: Mary's Ass S: As sung by Bill Boundy of Lithgow, New South Wales, Australia. Recorded in Meredith, John and Hugh Anderson, Folk Songs of Australia (Ure Smith, Sydney,1968) K: G M: 3/4 L: 1/8 D2 | D2 B3 B | B2 A2 A2 | A2 G2 G2 | G4 F E | E2 D3 D | D2 E2 F2 | A2 G2 G2 | G4 D2 :| D2 c2 c2 | c2 d2 c2 | c2 B2 A2 | B4 D D| D2 G2 B2 | d2 c2 B2 | B2 A2 G2| A4 D | D2 B2 B2 | B2 A2 A2 | A2 G2 G2 | G4 F E | E2 D3 D | D2 E2 F2 | A2 G2 G2 | G4 ||