The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62907   Message #1018243
Posted By: Forsh
13-Sep-03 - 03:35 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Mary's Ass (bawdy)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mary's Ass (bawdy)
Noce one, That takes me back a bit, me old man did a similat version:
Come all gather round me a story I'll tell
about a young lady I knew very well
her name it was Mary a beautifull lass
and the song I shall sing you concerns Mary's Ass.

She first sied this ass where it stood in a field,
She pleaded to have it, her farther did yield
he bought her the donkey the very next day
and a dsaddle & bridle & fresh bale of hay.

also one or two words differ in the verses (the mule gave a buck ..)

But hey! yhanks for the memory jog!