Off the top of my head (and limited to Irish/Scottish songs0 two of my favorites are "Three Drunken Maidens" which can be found in the DigiTrad as "Drunken Maidens" (the lyrics are nearly the same as I have, only minor differences), and "In Kirkintilloch There's Nae Pubs." I don't find it in the digitrad. I was told this story: The town of Kirkintilloch, a few miles NNE of Glasgow, was well known (and unique for a Scottish community) in being "dry" and thus with no pubs. Somebody, I don't know who -- maybe Wolfgang or someone can help out with information about the song and the town -- wrote a chorus to another song by way of explaning this anomaly (a Scottish town with no pubs.) The verses have no real bearing on the information passed along in the chorus.
CHO: In Kirkintilloch there's nae pubs And I'm sure you'll wonder why. My brither and me, we went on a spree And we drank the pubs all dry, all dry, We drank the pubs all dry.
1. Me grandfa, he worked doon the pits And so did me faether, too. You work like a mule, but you leave the school And you drink on a Saturday, me lads, You drink on a Saturday.
2. The gaffer doon the pits, me lads, Could scarce believe his e'en. Me brither and me, we heist mair coal Than his latest cuttin' machine, me lads, Than his latest cuttin' machine.
3. Me faether, he was a Glesca man, Me mither cam frae Troon. They baith did say, the other day, "It's time ye settled doon, me lads, It's time ye settled doon."
Sing the chorus twice at the beginning, then once between each verse and as many times as you feel like at the end. Nice tune!
Hope someone can help me out with information about this song. I can't even remember the singers or the record we learned it from.