The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62996   Message #1020177
Posted By: Mr Red
16-Sep-03 - 05:25 PM
Thread Name: Do singarounds need someone to run them?
Subject: RE: Do singarounds need someone to run them?
Head above parapet to agree with the majority

Who champions the event outside of the actual singaround - publicity - dragging people in, reminding people - liaising with the landlord - shutting-up (in the nicest possible way) the insistent shaky egg layer. It is usually down to one or two people who by and large agree how it is to be done. And better still a regular event benefits from a caucus of three groups of willing runners - so that if one is sick, tother at a festival it will still happen.
Word on the street is "one missed night" = "finished" - I collect this kind of info and have to read into such glib generalisations.
Events at festivals usually get a greater authority choosing the runner but regular pub events usually default to the willing and die without some guiding hand even if it is only the landlord.

But as GBS said - the golden rule is that there are no golden rules.

Head below parapet.