The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63015   Message #1020527
Posted By: BlueJay
17-Sep-03 - 03:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: Clark for Prez
Subject: BS: Clark for Prez
So retired General Wesley Clark will be announcing his candicy later today. I am surprised that I am the first to start a thread on this announcement.
My initial assessment is that Gen. Clark is the only Democratic candidate who will defeat Bush in the 2004 election. Sorry, but none of the other candidates, Dean, Kerry, etc, seem to have the knowledge, experience and charisma as this guy. I predict now that Wesley Clark will be the next president of the USA.

I've seen him on a few news sources, but what convinced me was on the Bill Maher show. When asked about President Bush's triumphant landing in aflight suit on a US aircraft carrier, General Clark rresponded, (and the quote is not exact),

"He looked good in that flight suit, it's a good flight suit. Lots of American fliers have worn that same flight suit. Lots of American fliers have died wearing that same flight suit"

To me, this exposes Bush's hypocracy. I hope the American people will fucking PAY ATTENTION, and vote this loser out of office. Thanks, BlueJay