The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63015   Message #1020941
Posted By: Rapparee
17-Sep-03 - 03:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Clark for Prez
Subject: RE: BS: Clark for Prez
Those aren't debates, they're Q&A sessions. A true debate would be on one point ("Mr. Bush, Mr. Dean, there is considerable unemployment in the country right now. The policies of Mr. Bush do not seem to be making a dent in the problem. Please discuss the benefits and limitations of these policies."

Bush would speak for, say, 10 minutes, stating his position. Dean would do the same. Then Bush again for 10 minutes, and Dean again. Then each would be given 15 minutes to rebute points the other had made. None of this "Mr. Bush, please explain yourself crap.

I do think that GWB stands right small next to Clark, but then again GWB stands small next to the guy who sweeps the streets here.