The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12645   Message #102109
Posted By: catspaw49
03-Aug-99 - 10:38 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Tavern- Round FOUR!!
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern- Round FOUR!!
This joint needs a complete cleaning Leej....damn whadda' mess...........Say what? No, in that case I can live with it. But, uh, I'll bring you in a gallon of Dr. Bronner's Miracle Soap...or better yet FUGG cleanser...then when anybody else says something you can hand them the bottle and a mop and tell them to go FUGG THEMSELVES!!!.........OK, was just a thought. Bring me a jack and coke and forget the coke. Tough day....That damn Rick made me feel my own dullness on the James Taylor thread...then I realized we're all dull....Yeah, you too........Any of those 'puters still in the back?...Can you punch up the James Taylor Rehab Clinic for the Catatonically Bland's www.boringashell.duh......See if you can get us all a group rate. And bring me some cashews?...OK,'re in a mood ... peanuts will do..Thanks.........(sheesh, whadda'grouch)
