The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2193   Message #10217
Posted By: RS
08-Aug-97 - 08:37 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Lucky, Lucky, Lucky Me (Berle, Arnold)
Subject: RE: Name of song (Ital., Eng.) containing lyric:
Unfortunately, the Olive Garden TV ad was only instrumental, no words. And I haven't found an Olive Garden site on the web (I had thought of asking their Advertising Agent if they had a particular source for the music).

Haven't had time to search in detail, but here are a couple of promising-looking sites obtained with a Dogpile Search for Italian + Music:

"The Italian Music Homepage" - a list of links - at

"Italian music composers & composition: Various information on the Web" - another list of links at

Let me know if you find it, I'd like the lyrics too!

BTW, "curiously enough", the Bank of Montreal's version of The Times They are A-Changing (which did include lyrics) left out key lines like - "The battle outside is raging" ... "We'll soon shake your windows and rattle your walls" ... and "Your sons and your daughters are beyond your command" ... (leaving a much manicured song that fitted better with their corporate image...)