The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2475   Message #10218
Posted By: Bill D
08-Aug-97 - 09:02 AM
Thread Name: Why live music?
Subject: RE: Why live music?
steve...*grin* just demonstrated why I'd rather wait...none of the regulars in this group could resist 'helping' if I tried to throw up a list before I had thought out what I wanted to say.Plus,I intend to explicate each item...not just have a numbered list of a few words & phrases. Of course, ANY list I (or anyone else )publishes will immediately be analyzed, argued & added to by others.(Look at what has happened to Aristotle in only 2500 years or so). A few things on such a list are obvious- songs 'tend to be' old, anon. and not written by professionals- but already you can name songs which are generally accepted folk/trad which do not fit even these characteristics, so it will be more than a quick page of ideas to attempt what I want.

BTW-- 'sounds best by firelight' would probably be technically a poetic item in a subset rather than a main category.And in your 'for' 'with' 'at', question, you show clearly how nit-picky it could get. Others have ventured the opinion that it is wasted effort to even try this sort of thing. Maybe so, but if I do it, I will have at least clarified MY mind set for future discussions.

lessee, now....#124- "sung by left-handed engineers on weekends in cities east of the Appalachians in cities under 20,000 population....." hmmmmmmmm needs some work...