The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12691   Message #102188
Posted By: Linn the Thanatolithologist
04-Aug-99 - 07:24 AM
Thread Name: Gravestone Symbology-FYI
Subject: RE: Gravestone Symbology-FYI
Oh gawd! How did that slip out? Yes, I admit to having th largest collection of rubber squid in New Hampshire. Damn! Now I suppose I'l lhave to insure them!

Couldn't do a photo of Mirick's grave, as Jeri explained. Frustrating! Not only is Mirick's stone fascinating, so are most of the markers in the cemetery. I could distinguish at least 2 major carvers, but most of the carving style was similar to "The Hook and Eye Man"-type carving. But the bulbous "Kilroy-was-here" noses weren't even 2-lobed, they were 3-lobed! There were a lot of crowns, but also a curved bar above some of the heads. Some of these curved bars turned into hair, or even wings. The rosettes were a sinuous feathery design rather than similar to the stylized Japanese chrysanthemum design.

So I took notes and made a few sketches. Here's the epitaph:

Here lies ye Body of Mr. Timothy Mirick, Son of Lieut. Thomas & Mrs. Mirick who died August 7th 1761 in ye 23rd Year of his Age.

"He cometh forth like a flower and is cut down He fleeeth also as a Shadow and continueth not." (Job XIV,2)

I had hoped the town offices would be close to the cop shop and DPW which we had passed on the way into town so I could spread out my credentials and get permission to do some photography at least on Monday on the way back (and a rubbing!!!), but couldn't find the offices. Will have to phone/write, etc. It will be worth a day trip (a long day trip, but do-able) back maybe in fall. Very frustrating, though, not to be able to take photographs. (And I didn't want to take the chance of screwing up permission by not playing by the rules.)

Linn (also known as the Bat Goddess)