The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12645   Message #102210
Posted By: bbc
04-Aug-99 - 09:16 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Tavern- Round FOUR!!
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern- Round FOUR!!
Sorry, folks. Had a technical problem last night & got behind on my drink orders. Wow! I'm glad I missed helping the cleaning crew. This place sure looks a lot better! This time, let's keep the jello in the jello pit!!! Guiness, anyone? Ah, Doug, you spoke w/ Mick for yourself. Yes, he's been trying to lose Koko. Can't wait to hear how Rick's doing! I don't think Heather will approve of a girl-rilla in the house! MAG, I think we drove the cockroaches out, thanks to catspaw's soap & Roger's latest jello shipment. Here's to your dad; more power to him! And catspaw, don't mind what Lonesome says, I've got some cashews in the back. Comin' right up! Only one drink, though, for you & then you're back to Coke. Somebody's gotta keep an eye on you! Whew! Think I'd better sit down for a minute!