The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63098   Message #1022500
Posted By: Rick Fielding
21-Sep-03 - 12:49 PM
Thread Name: A Mighty Wind on DVD
Subject: RE: A Mighty Wind on DVD
Oh lordy lordy lord!

Last night I watched a repeat of the "Folk special" on PBS. When I first saw it last year, I wrote in Mudcat (click) that it was horrid and embarrassing (and got lots of delicious flack).

Well....on second viewing, I have to say....that it was worse! Cloying, zombie-like, and with one of the worst "Patriotic" songs (by the ubiquitous Randy Sparks) imaginable.

If the gleeful geriatrics in the audience really DID make up the audience of the folk revival 40 years ago, then the music didn't really have much of an effect. Or perhaps those New Christy Minstrel fans of years ago really WERE as bland as the commercial folk groups.

Geez....thank Gawd for Doc, Phil Ochs, and Bobby Zimmerman.

If you have any questions as to why "A Mighty Wind" isn't as funny as "Spinal Tap", Best In Show, or "Waiting For Guffman".....just give the PBS show a look (I'm sure it'l be on again). It's hard to parody something tht's already a parody.
