The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63100   Message #1022685
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
21-Sep-03 - 07:00 PM
Thread Name: UK attitudes to folk music
Subject: RE: BS: UK attitudes to folk music
I've never heard till now of the English flag of St George being banned anywhere - the Union Jack on occasion, yes, as the flag of an empire rather than of a country.

I know the BNP seems to have taken to using the English flag more these days, but the main associations are still far more with the Church of England and the English football team.

I would be pretty certain that any ban on the flag of St George wouldn't have been done because of any genuine fear that it might offend those English people whose families immigrated to this country more recently than their neighbours; far more likely just it would be politicians playing silly games. And as like as not lily-white politicians.

There are a lot of different cultural traditions in England, and they are all to be welcomed and treasured. Disrespect towards any of them is disrespect to all - and that most definitely includes the native English traditions in all their oddity and variety.