The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63055   Message #1022745
Posted By: Little Hawk
21-Sep-03 - 08:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Monkeys refuse unequal pay
Subject: RE: BS: Monkeys refuse unequal pay
Got that right, Wolfgang. It's similar with problem managing a harmonious group of females, but try keeping males in groups and you will have a lot of fighting. This is one reason that I somewhat prefer the idea of matriarchal systems to that of patriarchal ones. Ultimately though, I think an equal share of authority and responsibility is the best notion.

As for altruism...I think there are 2 varieties of it:

1. Altruism done primarily in order to appear as a "good person" in one's own eyes and the eyes of others...which can be a bit hypocritical (in some cases very hypocritical)...but which may still yield beneficial side effects to others as well...or not, as the case may be.

2. Genuine altruism which springs out of genuine love...most often seen in the powerful motivation of mothers who protect and care for their children in a very self-sacrificing way....more rarely seen in the case of genuine saints, who labour not for recognition but out of a deeper love for humanity. I've seen a few people like that in this life. Soldiers who fight out of heartfelt patriotism are also demonstrating such altruism, since it would usually be in their own best interests to avoid combat entirely by any means possible! But...they love their country, their culture, their religion, whatever, and are willing to risk all for it. That's altruism. When it goes too far (or when it's happening on the "other side") we call it fanaticism.

- LH