The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63094   Message #1022758
Posted By: Gorgeous Gary
21-Sep-03 - 08:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: After Isobel
Subject: RE: BS: After Isobel
Sheryl and I (up in Rockville, MD) fared quite well, surprisingly. Lots of power flickers all Thursday night but never lost power for more than a minute. Worst thing that happened is that I mis-set a travel alarm clock (entered 10am when I should have put 10pm) so I woke up about two hours later than I should have Friday morning...and consequently got to my nearby office two hours late! Ah well, easy enough to make up. Also my parents nearby in Rockville and Bethesda did OK (although apparently my father was without hot water for a couple of days.

One person from my English Country dance group had a tree fall on their house and pretty much demolish their bedroom.

-- Gary