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Thread #63015   Message #1022810
Posted By: Reiver 2
21-Sep-03 - 10:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Clark for Prez
Subject: RE: BS: Clark for Prez
I watched the Little Rock speech, too. I was a little disappointed... not by what he said, but by how he said it. He seemed a bit tentative and stiff. He needs to project a warmer personality if he wants to win. I still haven't made up my mind, but I'd vote for ANYBODY to get rid of the disaster we've got in power now. Kucinich is the candidate I find myself most in agreement with and probably Braun next, but they have no chance for the nomination. I like Kerry and think he can stand up to Bush on the (phony) "patriotism" issue, but somehow Kerry just doesn't project enough... "passion" I guess you'd call it.

A couple of things: Dean is very much a centrist and not a liberal. He's a fiscal conservative, has opposed gun control and is lukewarm at best on a woman's right to choose. People mistake him for a liberal because he opposed the war in Iraq and opposes Bush. Still I have to admire the campaign he's run, use of the internet, and... yes, his passion. I'd vote for him if he gets the nomination but I'm still not ready to commit to him.

As for Clark, I'm keeping an open mind. I saw some things on Working Assets Radio ( that raised some questions in my mind:

"Former NATO commander Wesley Clark has thrown his hat into the ring. He's the first four-star general to run for president as a Democrat, and he's anti-war. At least that's what the media say: The Boston Globe called him 'A former NATO commander who also happens to have opposed the Iraq war.' Salon called Clark a 'fervent critic of the war with Iraq.'

But the website Common Dreams ( posted the General's commentary from the London Times this April. It reads in part: 'Can anything be more moving than the joyous throngs swarming the streets of Baghdad? Memories of the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the defeat of Milosevic in Belgrade flood back. Statues and images of Saddam are smashed and defiled. Liberation is at hand. Liberation... the powerful balm that justifies painful sacrifice, erases lingering doubt and reinforces bold actions. Already the scent of victory is in the air... President Bush and Tony Blair should be proud of their resolve in the face of so much doubt.'

And the media-watch group FAIR ( has pointed out that Clark, as a paid pundit for CNN, said that Saddam Hussein 'does have weapons of mass destruction.' 'And you could say that categorically?' Clark was resolute: 'Absolutely.' (1/18/03)

It makes you wonder about the media's definition of anti-war. Maybe he opposes it now, but then? It doesn't sound like it."

Still, I care more what he says now, than what he said then. People sometimes do grow, become enlightened, or whatever, and change. So, again, if he's nominated I'll vote for him... just not yet ready to commit to him for the nomination.

Reiver 2 (Bryce) (Sorry this is so long... but when did you know me to be brief?) (my own personal blog site)