The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63100   Message #1022986
Posted By: jacqui.c
22-Sep-03 - 08:38 AM
Thread Name: UK attitudes to folk music
Subject: RE: UK attitudes to folk music
In Hertfordshire we have a nimbr of singarounds in pubs in local villages and towns. We do have some interested onlookers but I think that, on the whole, the general culture is against this type of music because it isn't instantly recognisable or it was the type of thing that was drummed into people at school during music lessons. All we can do is keep plugging away and trying to get the children interested in the music as a pleasure and not a chore to be got through in a classroom.

On the St George's day thing maybe we should be looking to arrange sessions wherever possible on the day and publicising them through Mudcat and anywhere else we can think of. How about having a charity theme so that people can see it, not just as a particular genre of music but as a way of raising funds for local charities? I'm sure that local landlords would be interested if it brings in the customers and, let's face it, Folkies and beer have been known to go together on the odd occasion!