The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63100   Message #1023224
Posted By: alanww
22-Sep-03 - 07:25 PM
Thread Name: UK attitudes to folk music
Subject: RE: UK attitudes to folk music
I have celebrated St George's day for many years by doing a "St George and Dragons" Mummers play, most recently at a pub called The George next to the St George's Church in Brailes in Warwickshire. And recently we have performed it following the dancing of two traditional morris side - Ilmington and Adderbury Village Morris Men. What brilliant nights we have had!
But the landlord tells me that he was not able to get an extension to his licence until 12 midnight, even though he had been able to do so for Burns Night and St Patrick's Day. Now is that crazy or is it me being over patriotic?
"And did those feet in ancient times ...!"