The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62996   Message #1023387
Posted By: GUEST,KB
23-Sep-03 - 05:11 AM
Thread Name: Do singarounds need someone to run them?
Subject: RE: Do singarounds need someone to run them?
I like our local pub singaround/sessions - they start off fairly well organised & descend into free-for-all mode later on as the organiser subsides into his pint glass. SO - you pretty much get the best of both worlds. There is a core of regulars, but everybody in the pub will be asked if they'd like to do something (and we do get some wonderful unexpected gems) & there is little favouritism. There are some ego-twats, but they are kept reasonably under control.

When Om (daughter) is there I mostly sing together with her - and it varies whether we get one or two shots. Sometimes we separate out later on when she's feeling more confident & the bar has quietened down. Ironically, that will be the point where we only get one shot, so I miss a turn.... (sob). If its a busy night & everyone is having to wait ages for it to "go round" then we'll pick songs where we have equal vocals & decline the extra go if offered (public-spirited or what!).

What I find really awkward though is if I'm in a bunch that all tend to play together on eachother's go - so that then it feels like people must be really fed up with the ensemble by the time we've each had our turn. I suppose the only cure for that is to break it up so that its not 4 songs in a row.

Anyway - better get back to work now I'll stop rambling