The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63100   Message #1023443
Posted By: smallpiper
23-Sep-03 - 07:02 AM
Thread Name: UK attitudes to folk music
Subject: RE: UK attitudes to folk music
Eh Santa? The Romans built the Antonine wall, abandoned it and made the border Hadrians wall - The English did not exist at that time in this country or any other. It wasn't untill after the withdrawal of the legions in 4sumit or other that the Saxons, Jutes and Angles started to arrive here. They devided the country up into various kingdoms, non of which was called England. One of which ran from just outside my window (the River Humber) up to Hadrians wall i.e. Northumbria - these kingdoms eventually after much haking and slashing and other invasions (Vikings)and Normans that this place became England. And I think at the time that the Antonine wall was being built the people here were known as Brittons by the Romans and a whole lot of other things (Parisi, Briganti,Picts, Scots - even these names are roman - god knows what they called themselves but I'll bet it wasn't English).

AS an Irishman I think that The English should celebrate their national day and it grieves me that they belittle their own heritage whilst promoting that of minority cultures. I often think that the limited way Englishness is celebrated is essentially American anyway hence the pop culture thing at the millenium.