The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63100   Message #1023503
Posted By: GUEST
23-Sep-03 - 10:58 AM
Thread Name: UK attitudes to folk music
Subject: RE: UK attitudes to folk music
Smallpiper: I was using the Antonine wall as a geographical marker, which would have been partially visible in Anglo-Saxon times, rather than as a concurrent event. Sorry if this wasn't clear.    However, the area from the Humber to above the Forth was a single (or at least linked tribal) political area even before the arrival of the Angles into Deira/Bernicia. It was apart from the areas to the North and West. England, the land of the Angles, was England before the Vikings and Normans, even if it wasn't a single political organisation. The Northumbrian kingdom at its peak covered the whole of the Scottish lowlands,until the defeat by the Pictish rebels/freedomfighters at Nectansmere/Dunnichen, followed by a collapse to effectively the current borders.

But I suspect I have hijacked this thread...though it does perhaps illustrate the point about no single English identity!