The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62996   Message #1023513
Posted By: Bill D
23-Sep-03 - 11:14 AM
Thread Name: Do singarounds need someone to run them?
Subject: RE: Do singarounds need someone to run them?
well, Mick...we have a VERY democratic, fair, open system at our advertised sing---and that is killing it slowly! It has run for 30 years or so, but with folks moving away and deaths and lack of 'easy' places to accomodate it, it is hard to get a majority of 'tolerable' singers right now...and there is simply no room for lots of 'audience' in most of the living rooms we are using these days. We struggle on out of loyality, and sometimes it goes just fine, but frankly, some nights are ghastly. (and 'audience' members seem to want to do their part by talking a lot!)

It is wonderful to have a place where beginners and amateurs can learn and test their ability to sing with, and in front of, others, but if ¾ of the bunch are reading out of books and attempting songs they haven't practiced and butchering the tune, I can assure you that before long they will be almost the only ones there! I personally am NO pro or advanced singer/musician, but I can tell if I am not 'ready' to do a particular song, and I try very hard not to inflict early attempts on others., if some folks want to have a private session where the average level of the music is pretty darn good, more power to 'em! I wish it were easier to juggle this situation, but it isn't.+