The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63140   Message #1024228
Posted By: Suffet
24-Sep-03 - 06:47 AM
Thread Name: NOMAD 2003, Nov 15-16
Subject: RE: NOMAD 2003, Nov 15-16
The NOMAD grids are not downloading onto my computer, even with Adobe Acrobat open. All I get are blank pdf pages. Is anyone else experiencing this problem? Can anyone help me?

Anyway, NOMAD sent me a confirmation last month that I'll be doing two events:

Woody Guthrie Jam Session and Song Swap: Saturday, 11/15/03 at 10:00 AM.

Woody Guthrie's Musical Evolution: Saturday, 11/15/03 at 7:00 PM.

The first of these is self-explanatory. Bring your voices, instruments, and favorite Guthrie songs to share. Everyone is welcome to participate, including children, and I will try to let as many people as possible lead a song. I will bring one or two of Woody's lesser known songs, Blow, Big Wind, Blow being my most likely first choice.

The second is a presentation of some of Woody's songs, including some of his lesser known songs, within their historical, musical, and biographical context. Don't panic, it's not all lecture! There will be plenty of group singing.

I've done one or the other or both of these workshops before at NEFFA, PMN, NY Pinewoods Fall Weekend, Fall Fling, and the Eisteddfod-NY. Those of you have been to one are certainly welcome back. There are always new twists, turns, and surprises, as well as the opportunity to sing all the Woody Guthrie favorites again.

Oh yes, my dear friend and some time musical partner Anne Price will also be performing at NOMAD. If I could only download the grid I would tell you what she is doing and when, but whatever it is you'll enjoy it. I hope we are not up against one another, but if that happens, take your pick. Or come to half of each event. Either way you'll have a good time.

--- Steve