The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63230   Message #1025214
Posted By: Clinton Hammond
26-Sep-03 - 01:58 PM
Thread Name: How did you feel as a newbie on Mudcat?
Subject: RE: How did you feel as a newbie on Mudcat?
Ya know, I think I had more broad respect for Mudcat, when it was just a tool for me... I'd come from time to time looking for lyrics... sometimes I'd find 'em... some times not...

Slowly I kinda stated digging deeper into the 'community' (I use quotes, cxause I don't really know that it is... just cause you call it that, don't make it so...) and the further in I got I found more and more warts...

For the most part now I try to ignore the warts, and use mudcat as a side-line communication tool with some of the good folks i've met here...