The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61587   Message #1025239
Posted By: Marion
26-Sep-03 - 02:35 PM
Thread Name: Writing about people's private lives?
Subject: RE: Writing about people's private lives?
An update, now that I have permission to share the song:

The part of the story that I didn't tell you is that halfway through the pregnancy, they learned that the baby had anencephaly, i.e., no brain, and could not live long if at all after birth. Although many people would opt for an abortion given this news, they decided as Christians and pro-lifers to continue with the pregnancy. The parents felt it was their calling to take the best care of him they could as long as they had him. The courage and faithfulness behind this decision were what moved me to write about them. River was the baby's name.

So, by request, and with permission:

RIVER'S LULLABY (to the tune of Coventry Carol)

Lully lullay, my tiny child,
By by lully lullay.
Lully, my son, my baby mild,
By by lully lullay.

Long have I yearned to see your face,
Hoped for and feared this day.
Long shall I wait to hear your cry,
By by lully lullay.

River, though you were marked by God
Treasure in broken clay,
To love and keep you was my joy
Long as he let you stay.

Your father too, he cared for you
Though all our dreams and plans
Have come to nought since you were caught
By your other father's hands.

The summer night I brought you forth
Not into life, but death
The pure light met your opening eyes,
Heaven your eager breath.

But woe is me, dear child, for thee
Sorely I weep and pray.
To see you part has torn my heart,
By by lully lullay.
