The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41062   Message #1025444
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
26-Sep-03 - 09:50 PM
Thread Name: Donkey Riding - What's Hong-ki-kong?
Subject: RE: Donkey Riding - What's Hong-ki-kong?
"Donkey Riding" is known on the island of Jersey and in somewhat different form, in Quebec. The donkey is just that- or a horse.


Av'vous visité Tschubec?
Nou-z-y'en allait à la pêque
Mais les femmes avaient trop dé becque!
Assis sus un j'valet. (Assis sus un pônîn)

Ouogue, ouogue, bidé-ouaie!
Sus man j'valet, sus man j'valet (pônîn)
Ouogue, ouague, bidé-ouaie!
Assis sus man j'valet! (pônîn)

Av'ous visité Chébourg?
l'faut y viagi tchique jour
Vendree ses patates, tonmates et chours
Assis sus un j'valet.

etc. for many verses, naming places all along the French coast.

Have you ever visited Québec?
We go there for fishing
But the women talk too much (too much beak)
seated on a donkey (horsey)

Turn right, turn right, turn left
on my donkey, on my donkey
Turn right, turn right, turn left
seated on my donkey (horsey).

Have you visited Chérbourg?
we have to travel there each day
selling potatoes, tomatoes and cabbages
seated on a donkey (horsey).

Sailors are mentioned only in one verse:

Av'ous visité Porchémue?
Les mathins habil'yis en bliu
Balvent la bléthe dé pus en pus'
Assis sus un j'valet.

Have you been to Porchémue?
the sailors are dressed in blue
They drink beer mostly
seated on a donkey.

Sus man j'valet
Sus man j'valet