The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63230   Message #1025709
Posted By: Menolly
28-Sep-03 - 03:53 AM
Thread Name: How did you feel as a newbie on Mudcat?
Subject: RE: How did you feel as a newbie on Mudcat?
When you first started being a member of mudcat, how did it feel?
I first visited about a year ago, had a little look round, knew I was not very interested in the blues side of things, found it very American that day and so left.
Were you scared? Did it take a while to find your way around?
Yes, everyone seemed much more knowledgable.Also they all seemed to instrumentalists, many of whom also sang and/or wrote their own music. As just a singer doing occational floorspots, I felt very lowly. I did have difficulty finding my way arround. I wasn't sure where to go.
Some months later I started realising how many people were mudcatters and that tempted me back in.
Was it your first experience of being in an online community?
Yes, and it still is. I feel no desire to roam. I have found it very adictive. Is there a cure?
I read quite a few of the threads but rarely feel I have anything to contribute. I think I have started 2 threads and my question was very quickly solved. Does make me feel I should learn more!