The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61587   Message #1025775
Posted By: GUEST,Different Guest
28-Sep-03 - 09:02 AM
Thread Name: Writing about people's private lives?
Subject: RE: Writing about people's private lives?
I don't think the pro-life leanings of the real life characters on which the song is based, is even relevant to the song, to be honest.

It seems odd to suggest that the decision of the parents was determined by their religious-political beliefs. Such decisions tend to go much deeper than that in my experience. In fact, as I heard the background story, it reminded me of two birth stories, one with a tragic ending, where both mother and baby died during delivery, after similar sorts of news as the couple in the song had received. The other, where the mother was informed in her last month of pregnancy that the fetus had died. Rather than have the c-section immediately, she chose to allow the pregnancy to run it's natural course, and the baby was born about a week after she received the news. They named the baby, had a funeral, the whole thing.

Birth is a very complicated process, and as I said, that river runs much deeper in us than any political or religious belief. While I understand the couple made a decision based upon the dictates of their religion, I very much doubt that had they been members of a religion which did not dictate that the fetus be allowed to develop to full term and be born (as the Catholic religion usually, though not always, does), that their decision would have been any different.

There are serious medical risks to the mother in many of these circumstances, so I wouldn't think it wise to try and canonize and heroicize (is that a word?) the decision, beyond the personal (rather than political and/or religious) choice the couple made.

As to the song itself--it strikes me as maudlin. I also now understand your concern about it being exploitative. If you are putting a political/religious right to life spin on it, I would say it most certainly is exploitative and manipulative, regardless of what the mother says.

So, I don't know that