The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61587   Message #1025826
Posted By: s&r
28-Sep-03 - 11:25 AM
Thread Name: Writing about people's private lives?
Subject: RE: Writing about people's private lives?
I have to respond to this thread. The feelings that different lobbies hold on abortion etc are no doubt sincere, but seem to miss the tragedy that accompanies the real life decisions.

I read that Marion was moved by a human situation - this is normal, and I didn't read it as political.

Some years ago our daughter felt that her child was no longer moving in the womb. This was confirmed: Christopher John had died before he was born. She asked me to write a poem for his life; this I did, and will post a copy in due course.

It was read at this funeral; some of the words are on his gravestone. A copy of the poem remains in the "grieving room" at the local maternity hospital, where I am told it provides some small comfort in that grief is not alone. It has been shared by many.

Write on Marion.