The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63231   Message #1026232
Posted By: smallpiper
29-Sep-03 - 08:03 AM
Thread Name: Shoot the rest of em (singaround disturbances)
Subject: RE: Shoot the rest of em (singaround disturbances)
I'm with PP on this one and I don't think he's a prat. I avoid singarounds but don't mind mixed sessions. What amuses me here are the number of people complaining about musos talking when someone is singing - Have you ever been to a mixed session and noticed how quiet everyone is when people are singing and how noisy the singers are when someone is playing? That is my experince of sessions (not all singers are like that but the majority, in my experience, are. For example I was playing a slow air at Otley and some singer types came barging in talking over the top of my playing and even banged into me, one of them then had the cheek to have a go at someone who was very quietly moving a guitar case and making room for someone to sit down while this git was singing!) That's my pet hate - i.e. people who don't respect others.