The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63231   Message #1026292
Posted By: Rapparee
29-Sep-03 - 09:19 AM
Thread Name: Shoot the rest of em (singaround disturbances)
Subject: RE: Shoot the rest of em (singaround disturbances)
'Twasn't a singaround, but a performance by Seamus Kennedy. The table in front of us (we were there first, by the way) smoked (nonsmoking area) and chattered loudly throughout the first half of Seamus's set, obviously enjoying some sort of reunion. We had to leave at the break, as the smoke was getting to our friend (allergy).

Worse, the talkers criticized the music when they bothered to talk of it, complaining that it wasn't rock!

But I wouldn't shoot 'em. Too messy and too quick. I'd gag them and lock them in a room filled with off-key accordion music, varied with violin (not fiddle!) music played by beginning violin players and out-of-tune piobrachs.