The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63231   Message #1026329
Posted By: VIN
29-Sep-03 - 10:25 AM
Thread Name: Shoot the rest of em (singaround disturbances)
Subject: RE: Shoot the rest of em (singaround disturbances)
Well said, John Barden. I go to a pub session (don't play or sing there meself) and expect some noise, especially when ther'e a darts match goin on in the tap room.

With organised clubs and singarounds/sessions i think its basically down to good manners and a bit of tolerance and basic common sense. If you want to talk while someone's singing/playing then go outside the room. Otherwise, i reckon its just being ignorant.

I kind of agree with you too Fay re the loud ssssshhhhh-ing thing, that can be irritating. I used to go listening to the Halle orchestra quite a lot and in those concerts if someone is rustling a sweet wrapper or whispering loudly during quiet pieces, you get what we nick-named the 'Halle stare' which can be quite effective. A modicum of chat can be tolerable in folk clubs and singing/playing sessions and most people usually do quiten down....but occasionally some don't. I don't think being intollerant or ignorant to others is some kind of 'right' to be practiced!