The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63231   Message #1026502
Posted By: tuggy mac
29-Sep-03 - 11:54 PM
Thread Name: Shoot the rest of em (singaround disturbances)
Subject: RE: sincere apologies.
My sincere apologies to everyone on the choice of words to my queerie!

i am new to the internet and obviously too old to learn new tricks .I did not mean to cause offence,And i can see how my lousy choice of words could offend, I only meant by musical 12 bore, a very loud instrument.and by waste i meant drown out.I have obviously watched too much t v. I am a softy at heart and would not hurt a fly. i would not wish harm on any one,I should have asked what anoys you the most .but i frased it all wrong. Could someone please tell me how to remove my original question/thread?
I think its someone called joe offer!I f your reading this Joe offer,would you please erase it.? i have had enough of this pc. and at the end of the week give it a new home with my grand kids.