The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63231   Message #1026550
Posted By: The Shambles
30-Sep-03 - 02:44 AM
Thread Name: Shoot the rest of em (singaround disturbances)
Subject: RE: Shoot the rest of em (singaround disturbances)
The answer to all these problems is very easy and can be achieved without upsetting anyone.

If there is something going on that you don't like - just leave and start your own, for the majority of these events are in public places where everyone has as much right to do exactly as they wish.

Leaving the event is not only the only thing you can do but hopefully if enough people recognise this is the ONLY solution - we will not continue to tolerate or support the bad habits and rudeness that have become so entrenched.

Rather than just giving us the opportunity to just carry on moaning - unless of course that is what we all prefer and wish to do?