The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63282   Message #1026564
Posted By: Kaleea
30-Sep-03 - 03:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Weirdest Movie
Subject: RE: BS: Weirdest Movie
When I was just a mere babe, I was coming back from the Far east, & had one night layover in LA. I went to the nearest no-tell motel to get some sleep. When I awoke at a couple o'clocks in the a.m. & could not get back to sleep, I turned on the TV. The previous motel guest had left the TV set on a cable movie channel which showed X rated flicks. There was one which had just come on, & having never seen such things on TV, I thought I'd watch for a few minutes to see why that man who was in trying to kill a fly in his no-tell motel room, couldn't kill it no matter how he tried.    He eventually ran barefooted out of his no-tell motel room, in his tee shirt & boxers, chasing the fly into the streets of whatever-major-city, running & screaming profanity, passing naked people getting it on, in & out of buildings, unable to kill the little bugger no matter what he tried.      
    That was the entire plot of the movie.

    The actual dialog (excluding non-word exclamations) would not have filled an entire paragraph, however you will be relieved to know that there were sub-titles for those who did not understand the term "aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhgggggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!" in French or Italian or whatever. (hey, I can't remember--it was about 1977, so how can I remember some tiny detail from the begining of the disco days?)
   So, 'catters, I ask you, was that wierd--or a work o'fart? Or, perhaps, both?
   & if you don't understand "The Rare Breed" you gotta just realize it was a 60's thing. You had to be there. And, westerns were popular.