The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62985   Message #1026720
Posted By: katlaughing
30-Sep-03 - 01:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sometimes my cat(s).....
Subject: RE: BS: Sometimes my cat(s).....
Drumshanty...But she will not be picked up and never sits on anyone's lap without drawing blood sounds like my Kelpie! She purrs like a boiler factory, though. LOL

Another comment on those felines about whom I started this thread:

Sometimes my cats remind me of a bunch of little Romans in fur togas; indolent, sated, they lumber over the window sill to the "balcony" of their enclosure (the "chicken coop.") There they munch down a few tickly blades of grass, then come back in to the "vomitorium" i.e. anywhere on the wall-to-wall carpeting, and upchuck hairballs, breakfast, etc. Bunch a'little Caesars!

BUT, that's the usual part. What really gets me was yesterday morning, in my house with FIVE CATS!, what did I see while in the kitchen? Disappearing over the edge of the sink, between it and the window? The arse-end of a mouse, long tail trailing!! Not only that, I saw it scurry acrosss the counter-top about an hour later and go down the same bolt-hole! Said hole and another one found around a pipe to the outside are now plugged up and traps laid (though I prayed that the little bugger would sod off as I hate the thought of killing anything, unless of course it's my cats' doing, but they would just play and I'd get it away from them.:-)

Anyway, we've decided they are way too well-fed. I even took a couple of them out there, opened the lower cupboards and set them on the counter, the "forbidden zone." Apparently, the aversion therapy worked too well, they wouldn't even stay long enough to catch a scent! In our house in Wyoming, we had trouble with an old one who liked to pee on the counters and stove. This morning, Rog said, "Where's a pissing cat when ya need one?!" **BG**

*Sigh*...nothing in the trap this morning, so maybe my prayer and the stopping up the holes worked. The worthless moggies are crunching away on dry food, but no "throat-tickling" so far this a.m., so at least the carpet is spared!
