The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62985   Message #1026928
Posted By: LadyJean
30-Sep-03 - 11:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sometimes my cat(s).....
Subject: RE: BS: Sometimes my cat(s).....
Musetta kitty has been trying to mate with the keyboard on my computer.

I had a tabby with a sense of humor. Ocelittle (since she wasn't an Ocelot.) liked to bring live cicadas into the house and turn them loose. I don't know if she was saving them for later, or if she enjoyed watching us try to catch them.
Ocelittle liked to go up the back of a wing backed chair to surprise people. If you turned around and patted her, she thought this was a fine game, and bit. One day, the minister sat in the wing backed chair. Of course she bit him. Fortunately, he was a cat man, and didn't mind.