The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62592   Message #1026998
Posted By: Catherine Jayne
01-Oct-03 - 03:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Secret Santa Time Again! (2003)
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa Time Again!
HI there!!

I am planning to spend this weekend assigning Santas to Santees so you should all hear by Monday at the latest so it will give you plenty of time to shop/make and send. If anyone who wants to take part but hasn't signed up yet you have until FRIDAY 3rd OCTOBER!!!

Open Mike, as I have said on many occassions I am really sorry that you didn't recieve your present. I saddens me that someone would agree to be in on something like this and then not fulfill their end of the deal. We do have to give a bit of leeway with the post, post does go missing and I know you weren't the only person not to reciev something or to recieve something late. I am sorry that you feel so bitter and I am not going to go into a lecture about being happy to give and not recieve. I am doing all I can to prevent people from not recieving something. All I can do is appologise Open Mike but can we now please stop the negativity on this subject. People are aware of what can go wrong with the post and I suggest that people send their parcel recorded delivery for the peace of mind. This is supposed to be a bit of fun and I am sure it will continue to be especially when the hints thread goes up sometime next week by the lovely Amos or anyone else willing to start it!! Perhaps next year Open Mike you would like to organise it all.......